Potted Willows

 P O T T E D   W I L L O W S 
Using specific varieties that are slow growing, Jenny and her team create live potted willows that suit many locations. These living sculptures give instant height and a focal point to empty spaces or can enhance a terrace or border.
Potted willows are available seasonally from May until October but can be ordered at any time of year. Delivery is available at £90 or collection from the workshop.
  • up to 3ft £60 
  • up to 4ft £70
  • up to 5ft £80
  • up to 6ft £100
  • up to 7ft £120
To order or purchase please email basket@jennycrisp.co.uk

Live potted willows are planted in January and woven into a lattice structure before the leaf forms. During the following months the part of the rod in the soil starts to push roots, at the same time a large canopy of leaf appears at the top of the structure. This requires a lot of energy so they need plenty of water to achieve this. Whilst potted they need to be kept wet at all times. 
By November the plant will have produced a dense root ball requiring it to be potted on into a larger pot or directly into the ground giving it space for next seasons growth. At this time the canopy can be cut back to just above the woven collar, this helps to maintain strong and regular growth in the lattice work. With this type of pruning it is possible to keep the sculpture at the same height year after year. After 4-5 years the lattice work will start to graft together.
Bespoke sizes can be commissioned especially for events such as weddings, summer parties and special birthday celebrations. When planted on into the ground these become a living memory of the occasion that was celebrated.

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